Beta Testers Wanted: December 2019 Update

Pocket City has a big update coming up! If you are interested in participating in the open beta before the official release, check out the opt-in links at the bottom of this page. Here are some of the new features!
You can unlock new areas to build additional cities around your central city. Increasing income in one city will also increase income in all other cities in the region as well. Neighbor cities also have unique effects, depending on the land type.
Policies are upgrades that are unlockable as the player levels up. You can think of Policies as a simple skill tree. Earn points as you level up and spend those points on new policies.
Xp/Cash Bubbles
When your citizens are happy, these smiley face bubbles will appear. These can be tapped for a small XP or cash gain.
Rail Improvements
You can now build rails on top of all roads. This changes the old behaviour where you could not build a rail that "turns" on top of a road.
Transit Stats
Shows the player some new info about the effect of public transit on the traffic screen.
- Disaster reports are now saved
- Allow multi-build mode for Shipping Docks
- Various minor bug fixes
Opt-in Links
If you are interested in trying the beta, use the links below.
The game should continue your existing progress, but if you want to be extra safe, you can upload a backup of your existing city to the cloud before installing the beta version.
Free Version Android Tester Opt-in
(Note: the free verison doesn't include the new "Regions" feature).
Tester information
Some things that are helpful to test:
- The new features listed above
- Upload / download cities
- Transferring old cities to the new version
- Looking out for any new bugs
Thanks for the interest, and enjoy!